Naz Ford

Nazanin Agange Ford

Naz ford is represented by christie megill at the cat agency.


Meet Naz, a children’s book writer.

Naz Ford loves words. Some might say, she loves words too much.

She is not convinced there is such a thing.

Besides her family, some of the things she loves most have to do with words—a well-placed em dash, for example. Add to the list, a preference for parentheses (not to mention an affection for alliteration). She’s also been known to favor the occasional ellipses...

She excels at writing all sorts of lists, notes, and electronic messages. Besides that, and perhaps more importantly in this context, she writes picture books and poetry. She believes she has a great sense of humor, no matter what her sisters told her growing up. She is also a bit sappy and can’t resist an uplifting tale or a beautiful turn of phrase that catches you unawares.

She hopes to move others with her words as others have moved her.
